Inquiry Project: Update 3

I've been in the habit of researching materials online for quite sometime, so it was an interesting twist to have to explain how I would "physically" go about seeking out materials for my Inquiry Project.  My thinking process usually begins with determining which category I would begin looking through first.  In the past, putting in … Continue reading Inquiry Project: Update 3

I was called out, but I responded.

I'm taking a class on literary theory, and so far, it's been a bit challenging at different levels.  The diversity in life experience is pretty clear, and I've already been irked by some ignorant comments a few of the younger classmates have made about culture, etc.  I'm just viewing them as the same age as … Continue reading I was called out, but I responded.

Sticks and stones…but words can break you…if you let them.

Yesterday, my parents came to visit me again. This time around, my dad helped me with purchasing a lawn mower and other lawncare equipment. Nothing says homeownership than mowing your own lawn. It's looks horrendous, but oh well.  I'll get the hang of it! Nowadays, as I see my parents aging a bit more, it … Continue reading Sticks and stones…but words can break you…if you let them.


Student work analysis. CHECK. Teaching demo. CHECK. Started new Inquiry Project. CHECK. Anyone know what TV show I'm referencing? Overall, it's been a productive week so far.  I may or may not have stumbled across a potential topic IF I were to ever pursue a PhD in the teaching of writing...IF...IF.  The thought of working … Continue reading CHECK!